At D&F Mold, we pride ourselves in utilizing the latest technology to build more accurate tools in less time.
We design with Cimatron, working from the start in solid models. Cimatron is compatible with all major CAD/CAM systems to provide seamless, trouble-free integration of your designs. Cimatron is universally recognized as a leading design tool throughout the industry, proven reliable and know for its integration of components into assemblies, providing feature associativity for easy updating of information on related components. This means that all inserts, water lines, and actions are engineered as a system to build you a die that works right the first time and runs better.
Electrode extraction and cutterpathing is accurate and efficient using Cimatron CAD/CAM software.
High-speed machining is one of our special areas of expertise at D&F Mold. Embracing this exciting technology early in its evolution, we have acquired a wealth of experience in the optimal application of high spindle speeds and fast machine acceleration. The result is better, more accurate molds and parts. Much of our work is machined to finish and in areas where a higher, polished finish is needed, polishing and fitting time is minimized.
Automatic probing is a key to our machining performance and accuracy. Insert position and alignment is automatically verified and set by touch probes at the time of machining to speed the process and work to a higher standard. Laser tool probing automatically checks tools every time they are loaded to verify concentricity and accurate size. You get a better, more accurate tool in less time.
Shrink fit tooling eliminates tool runout for improved cutter performance, life, and accuracy. Tools are firmly and accurately gripped on their full diameter with uniform pressure around all 360 degrees of the shank. This impressive inductive heating system uniformly heats the tool holder in a split second to insert and remove tools. Cooling the holder to room temperature shrinks the body of the holder around the cutting tool, providing a rigid embrace that makes the cutter and tool act as one.